Ruben Dogliani
Senior Therapist MassageBlast

Ruben Dogliani is the founder and managing director of Massage Blast, graduated as an ITEC therapist at the Maidstone School of Complementary therapy.
He has a solid client base since 2008 and broad experience in the treatment and manipulation of muscular tissue.
He also graduated at the Bodybasics institute in London in ITEC sports and injuries massage and has worked at the YMCA club to gain experience in treating sports injuries. At the College of Chinese Medicine, he obtained a diploma in Acupressure. In order to provide a broad range of Massage services and benefits to his client base, Ruben is committed to continuously developing new techniques and treatments. Ruben has a broad knowledge in the Sports injuries field.
He regularly treats professionals across London, engaged in disciplines such as Cycling, Running, Football, Rugby, Police and Firemen, Politicians, Actors, Dancers, Swimmers, Tennis players, City workers and many other activities.
Ruben Dogliani is qualified in the following disciplines:
- ITEC Sports Injuries Massage
- ITEC Swedish Holistic Massage
- The College of Chinese Medicine (Acupressure)
- FHT Diploma Hot stones Massage
- FHT Diploma Deep Tissue Massage
- Ctha FHT Diploma in Pregnancy Massage
Member of the Complementary Therapists Association
Disclaimer: Consultants have their own insurance for the services they provide. Should clients have any issues, please contact us directly and we will put you in contact with the therapist.
Please note that sports massage and remedial deep tisssue massage may cause discomfort following the treatment, that vary from person to person. The therapist will agree with you and monitor the pressure they apply during the session. We do not diagnose any condition, should you feeel unwell, you should seek medical professional assistance.
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